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CategoriesReports Give voice to river protection

Guideline “River Protection Campaigning – The Vjosa Case”

Guideline “River Protection Campaigning” – Vjosa Case is based on the experience that EcoAlbania staff has built up within the frame of “Save the blue heart of Europe” campaign. It covers all aspects on how to: Aim of this guideline is mobilization of local communities and the public pressure, promoting engagement with sustainable management of […]


Study: Monetary valuation of environmental crime in Albania

This study presents the current state of property assessment of illegal logging, taking into consideration a case study in the Mali ZM with Gropa Bize-Martanesh. The specific goals of the study are: Analysis of standards, studies, reports and methods for property assessment of damages in the territory of a protected forest area; Methodological proposal for […]

CategoriesReports MECA-Media and Environmental Cases in Albania

Media and environmental cases in Albania

This report presents an analysis of media coverage of environmental issues in Albania. It displays the frequency and the way in which the five most important environmental events of the last five years have been reported, behind which were mainly concessionary contracts for the use of natural resources based on Public Private Partnership (PPP) practices. […]


Manual for information and monitoring of environmental indicators

What is this “manual”? “Manual for information on the state of the environment and monitoring of environmental indicators” is a basic manual for the implementation of community activities for environmental monitoring and the distribution of information to the public. It will help individuals and CSOs operating in the field of the environment for community involvement […]