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CategoriesActivities Environmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania

A different day with children from “New Day” Center’s school

On 20 July 2023, we participated in “New Day” Center’s summer school for an environmental education day. It is an opportunity for children to engage in meaningful activities that can shape their future. One such activity that holds great importance is giving presentations on water importance and plastic pollution. By encouraging children to discuss during […]

CategoriesActivities Conservation actions for the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) in Vlora Bay

Species Action Plan for the Albanian Water Frog presented in Vlora

After a hard work to study the Albanian Frog – an endemic species found only in the Adriatic Bay, today we presented together with experts of biodiversity, agriculture and tourism the “Action Plan for the conservation of the species Pelophylax shqipericus (Albanian Frog)“. A series of meetings with local actors were held in cooperation with […]

CategoriesActivities Conservation actions for the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) in Vlora Bay

Monitoring season of Albanian Water Frog in Vlora Bay has been started

EcoAlbania has started the field work on the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) species’ distribution, ecology and its population status in Vlora Bay. During this phase there are being collected data about the species and its habitats, that will serve as basis for drafting the Species Action Plan – a policy paper for the conservation […]

CategoriesActivities Conservation actions for the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) in Vlora Bay

EcoAlbania launched the new project: Conservation actions for the Albanian Water Frog in Vlora Bay

Vlora, May 24, 2019. EcoAlbania launched the project “Conservation actions for the Albanian Water Frog (Pelophylax Shqipericus) in Vlora Bay”, supported by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, which aims to create an action plan and concrete measures for the conservation of this endangered species. At the kick off meeting in Vlora, with the participation of RAPA Vlora and […]
