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Categories"Saving the blue heart of Europe" campaign News

100 People Unite to Protect Balkans’ Wild Rivers and their

Joint Press Release by EuroNatur, Riverwatch and Montenegrin Ecologists Society ++ Balkan River Summit 2024 held in Podgorica to save the rivers in the Balkans and stop the damming ++ Participants call on authorities and industry to stop repression against environmental defenders ++ Podgorica, October 3, 2024. Under the banner “Uniting Voices for the Blue […]

CategoriesNews "Saving the blue heart of Europe" campaign

Brave Women of Kruščica Join Forces with Shushica Valley in fight against Water Abstraction Project

Kuç, July 15, 2024 — In a powerful display of solidarity and resistance, the Brave Women of Kruščica (BiH) visited the Shushica Valley in Albania to support the ongoing fight against the controversial water abstraction project. On July 12, 2024, they formed a symbolic human chain together with the people of the Shushica Valley on […]

Categories"Saving the blue heart of Europe" campaign News

Protest on the Albanian Shushica River: Vjosa National Park in danger

Joint press release by EuroNatur, EcoAlbania and Riverwatch ++ An entire valley stands up against the diversion of its water: On Saturday, 24 February, the mayors from the Shushica Valley gathered to protest the nature-destroying plans for the Shushica ++ Albanian government wants to divert the water from the Vjosa tributary ++ Vjosa National Park […]

Categories"Saving the blue heart of Europe" campaign News

National and International Scientists send an open letter for the conservation of the Vjosa Delta

++International Symposium for the Vjosa Delta gathers 60 experts for 2 days in Vlora++ Vlora, October 27-28, 2023. Representatives of academic institutions, decision-makers and environmental organizations gathered at the International Scientific Symposium dedicated to the Vjosa Delta. The experts presented scientific data on the values of biodiversity and sedimentology of the Vjosa Delta, with the […]
