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CategoriesPress Release

The Berne Convention requires the suspension of the HPP of Kalivac and Pocem

++12 recommendations for the Albanian government regarding plans for the construction of HPPs in the Vjosa valley++ Tirana, 24.10.2018. The Permanent Commission of the Berne Convention has published the draft with 12 recommendations for the Albanian government regarding the plans for the construction of hydropower plants on the Vjosë River. It recommends the Albanian government […]

CategoriesIn Media

30 foreign and Albanian scientists carry out scientific studies in Vjosa: No to the Pocem HPP

Very few Albanians are aware that Vjosa, the largest river of southern Albania, is the last river in Europe, which, until now, has not changed its course”, says Professor Fridrich Shiemer, famous ecologist from the University of Vienna. 30 Albanian and foreign experts from Austria, Germany, Slovenia have gathered to study the Vjoses river for […]


Scientific week in Vjosa

An initiative previously unheard of in Europe will be undertaken by more than 30 scientists from Albania, Austria and Germany, who will conduct scientific research in Vjosa for a week, focusing on the area where the Pocem HPP is planned to be built. . With this activity, scientists want to highlight the expected negative effects […]

CategoriesIn Media

INtv Albania: In the protection of the rivers. The civil society opposes the construction of HPPs

‘The civil society has sent the first environmental cause in the court in Albania to protect the rivers from hydro-power developments”, said Besjana Guri from EcoAlbania. It refers to the legal battle initiated by EcoAlbania, RiverWatch, Euronatur and 38 residents of Kutë village against the Poçem HPP. The request of the organizations was supported by […]


Study: Identification of water related conflicts linked to hydro power projects in Albania

This assessment has been prepared under the EU funded project “Horizontal Enforcement Legislation Promotion of Civil Society Organizations (HELP-CSO), through ACHIEVE Programme, managed by Regional Environmental Centre and implemented by Milieukontakt Albania, Eco Albania and LexFerenda. The overall objective of the Project is to help environmental civil society organizations for a better implementation and monitoring of […]
