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CategoriesReports Vjosa Campaign – an inspiration for activism in Albania

Media Relations Guidebook for Civil Society

The democratic public policy decision-making process relies on an informed, educated, and engaged public. Academic experts, government officials, businesses, financial analysts, participants in a specific event, and – most importantly for this guidebook – volunteer non-profit civic groups, often known as non-governmental organizations and civil society actors, provide information to the media. This guidebook takes […]


Mapping of environmental issues along the Albanian coast

Albania’s coastline stretches 316 km from Shkodra to Konispol and is the country’s most valuable asset, as well as being home to over 13% of the country’s human population. Economic, geopolitical and touristic development of the coastal belt is of strategic and national importance for the country. However, the area suffers from a range of […]

CategoriesReports MECA-Media and Environmental Cases in Albania

Evaluation report: Recognition and use of environmental law by local actors in Albania

This report presents an assessment of the knowledge of local actors in 6 districts (Kukës, Shkodër, Korçë, Elbasan, Gjirokastër, Vlorë) on the environmental law package. The findings provided and presented in the study provide detailed information from the implementation of activities from the project such as: the distribution of questionnaires on which they have helped to build the database and analyze the findings.


Protection study of the Vjosa River Valley based on IUCN protected area standards

A study conducted by Dr. Andrej Sovinc in cooperation with  IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) and IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) This report provides insight into the rationale and feasibility of declaring a protected area for the Vjosa Valley, along with the management objectives and associated protected area categories that would ensure […]


New Study: Biodiversity, potential impacts, and legal framework for hydropower development of the Vjosa

This baseline survey summarises the value of the Vjosa River system as one of the few remaining reference sites for dynamic floodplains in Europe on the one hand, and reveals the detrimental effects dams could have on the river system on the other. Only one dam will significantly destroy the ecological continuum of a pristine river.  Spearheaded by the University of […]

CategoriesReports Solar in Kutë

Solar in Kutë campaign

The ‘Solar in Kutë’ campaign, an initiative of partner organizations EcoAlbania, EuroNatur and Riverwatch, was officially launched on May 26th and has brought to the attention of the general public the history of Kutë community in protecting the Vjosa River and its capacity to produce solar energy on the buildings’ roofs without the need to […]