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Facts and data about the river Vjosa 2

The Vjosa River in Albania is one of the last wild rivers in Europe. In its course of over 270 km, the Vjosa flows naturally undisturbed, characterized by beautiful canyons, rapids, islands and bends that create wonderful meanders. The construction of HPPs is the current biggest threat in this area. A total of 38 HPPs […]


Declaration for the protection of the Vjosa River by the NGO

Environmental organizations in Albania have joined efforts to protect the Vjosa River from the threats posed by the uncontrolled development of HPP projects. EcoAlbania, in the role of facilitator of this initiative, has sent to the Prime Minister the joint will of NGOs expressed through an official statement. Among other things, this statement states: “We, […]


Days of Biodiversity in the Vjosa river

For three days, about 70 people were involved in this activity: biodiversity experts, volunteer students, journalists, well-known artists and representatives of the local government of the municipalities and municipalities of the Vjosa watershed (Tepelenë, Qesarat, Memaliaj). All the activity has been followed carefully, step by step, by a group of professional photographers, who at the […]


Facts and data about the river Vjosa 1

The Vjosa River has a special and important place in the daily lives of the residents who live along its banks. Its terraces provide the villages with fertile soil for agricultural activities such as agricultural and livestock production. The quantity and variety of fish are vital to the economy and well-being of local fishermen. Recreational […]