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CategoriesActivities Press Release

Residents affected by the construction of the Poçem HPP demand a public hearing

06-07.10.2016, Çorrush, Kuta, Mallakastër. After the lack of public consultation on the construction of the Pocem hydropower plant and the authorities’ negligence to consider their demands, residents of the villages most affected by the construction of the Pocem dam are asking the government to hold public hearings in the area. According to the information that […]

CategoriesActivities Horizontal Enforcement legislation Promotion

How to appeal to the court – Training of local CSOs

On October 5, 2016, the training “The right to go to court for environmental issues” took place, part of the series of trainings developed within the HELP-CSO project (Strengthening of Horizontal Legislation and Promotion of CSOs). The topic of the training was related to the training of local organizations in access to justice and the […]

CategoriesActivities Initiatives

The Grouping “Protect the rivers” is formalized

The “Protect the Rivers” group, although informally, has started to operate as such since 2015, coordinating joint actions: lobbying, advocacy, citizen response, etc. against the huge construction boom of Hece. In the last decade, starting more from political directives than from genuine scientific studies, the planning of more than 500 HPPs spread throughout the territory […]

CategoriesActivities Initiatives

Environmental Education in the Alps 2016

The EcoAlbania team in cooperation with the Administration of Protected Areas of the Kukës District joined the Balkans Peace Parks (B3P) project this year to develop educational activities with the children of the Valbona valley and the village of Lëpushë in the Albanian Alps. Environmental education with children has already become a tradition of EcoAlbania, […]


Notice- Questionnaire on HPPs and Community Conflicts

Milieukontakt Albania, EcoAlbania and Lex Ferenda are implementing the project “Strengthening Horizontal Legislation and Promotion of CSOs” (HELP-CSO), which is financially supported by the European Union, through the ACHIEVE program implemented by REC Albania. In this context, a questionnaire has been drawn up with the aim of identifying and collecting data on cases of conflicts […]