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CategoriesActivities Horizontal Enforcement legislation Promotion

HELP-CSO: the continuation of joint initiatives

Milieukontakt Albania, EcoAlbania and LexFerenda organized on June 14, 2016 the presentation meeting of the project “HELP – CSO, Strengthening Horizontal Legislation and Promotion of Civil Society Organizations”. In his speech, Mr. Rezart Kapedani, grant manager of the Achieve program, emphasized that one of the expected results of this project will be the organization of […]


Trees for Earth – The movement continues

On September 1969, at a conference in Washington, US Senator Geilord Nelson stated that in the spring of 1970 there would be environmental demonstrations across the US. Initially, Senator Nelson proposed several environmentalist protests to introduce nature protection into the government’s agenda. With the passage of a short time, this holiday turned from national to […]