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CategoriesActivities Press Release

The Swiss ambassador and the head of the Council of Europe office visit the residents affected by the Pocem HPP

Press release from EcoAlbania Kutë, Mallakastër February 15, 2017. In an open meeting organized by EcoAlbania in the village of Kutë, in the municipality of Mallakastër, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Albania, Mr. Christoph Graf, head of the Council of Europe office in Albania, Mr. Claus Neukirch as well as the expert on direct democracy […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release

The first court session for HEC Poçem is held

Tirana, 09.02.2017. The first preparatory session of the Pocem hydropower plant issue was held in the Administrative Court of First Instance. The environmental organizations EcoAlbania, RiverWatch, EuroNatur and 38 residents affected by the construction of the HEC in December of last year opened the judicial process in the Administrative Court against the construction of the […]


The challenges of citizen initiatives towards environmental causes

++What can be the academic contribution to civic initiatives towards environmental causes++Concerns brought by experience and efforts to date++ Environmental causes in Albania have a short history compared to other European countries for reasons closely related to political and socio-economic factors. However, the progress made in raising these causes, especially by civil society organizations, is […]

CategoriesActivities ACTIVE – Community Engagement – Indicator of Integration in Decision-making

Local government units together for Vjosa

After carrying out the round of meetings with the residents affected by the Pocem hydropower plant, in the area of Mallakastra and Selenica, EcoAlbania organized on January 27, 2017 a joint discussion table with representatives of the local government units of the Vjosa valley, to share concerns and to create a network of cooperation in […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release

A judicial process is opened for the Poçem hydropower plant in Vjosa

++The hydroelectric project on the last wild river in Europe is planned to be built without a proper Environmental Impact Assessment or public participation++Legal precedent for the rule of law in Albania++ Tirana, Vienna, Radolfzell, December 2, 2016. Plans to destroy Vjosa are already being challenged in court. Today, the organizations for the protection of […]