Milieukontakt Albania, EcoAlbania and Lex Ferenda are implementing the project “Strengthening Horizontal Legislation and Promotion of CSOs” (HELP-CSO), which is financially supported by the European Union, through the ACHIEVE program implemented by REC Albania.
In this context, a questionnaire has been drawn up with the aim of identifying and collecting data on cases of conflicts related to water management and use. The questionnaire is structured in 6 parts and aims to collect accurate information regarding community-based conflicts generated as a result of the development of hydropower projects that have occurred in the past, are in their beginnings, or may occur. in the future.
Your answer is very important to determine all these cases and will be part of the study of conflicts related to water management and use as well as the conflict map that will be produced from this information.
At the same time, we would ask you to distribute this questionnaire as widely as possible to the contacts and areas where you operate with your projects. The questionnaire does not take much time and you can complete it both online ( and in electronic form by requesting it by e-mail at the following address.
The deadline for completing the questionnaire is September 15, 2016!
For further questions or clarifications, you can contact:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +355 4 2256528
Thank you for your cooperation!
The HELP-CSO team