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Benjamin Webb – The Australian who believes that anything can be accomplished with an open mind and a willingness to act

Having learned to row in Australia, I have not had the opportunity to see what damage damming has caused in Tasmania, but I have had the pleasure of enjoying what remains unspoiled. After many trips to Tasmania’s pristine rivers, I was both intimidated and inspired by the previous generation who lined up in front of […]


Nouria Newmann – The girl who proves that kayaking is about feeling, not strength

Nouria Newman loves nothing more than whitewater kayaking, in all its forms, be it freestyle, obstacle or extreme kayaking. Although competition has always been a part of her kayaking career (2009 Junior Freestyle Kayak World Championships, 2013 Obstacle Kayak World Championships, 2013 and 2014 Extreme Kayak World Championships) , she doesn’t replace being in a […]


Mariann Saether – Queen of the World Kayak Championships supports the “Balkan Rivers Tour”

Born and raised in Norway, Saether is the reigning extreme kayak world champion, holding numerous victories from freestyle to canoe competitions. She is passionate about nature and puts it before books, which is surprising considering her 9-year university degree in History, Spanish, English and Norwegian. She is determined to oppose hydropower projects in Norway and […]