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Habitants against hydro-powers construction in Bënçë

20-05-2017, Bënçë, Tepelena. The “Protecting rivers” group conducted a meeting with the Bënçë village inhabitants to discuss the hydro-powers matter that are under construction in this area. Habitant’s concern was evident, as the dam would leave the village with no water. Bënça is a small village which main activities are farming, agriculture and collection of medicinal […]


Scientific week in Vjosa

An initiative previously unheard of in Europe will be undertaken by more than 30 scientists from Albania, Austria and Germany, who will conduct scientific research in Vjosa for a week, focusing on the area where the Pocem HPP is planned to be built. . With this activity, scientists want to highlight the expected negative effects […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release Stop urbanization of Divjaka-Karavasta NP

STOP Urbanization of Divjakë-Karavasta National Park

Press Release from the Grouping of Environmental Organizations for PK Divjakë-Karavasta. Tirana, April 14, 2017. The Coalition of Civil Society in Defense of the Divjakë-Karavasta National Park expresses its high concern regarding the proposal for the construction of an urban center in the heart of the National Park and the destruction of its values. Divjakë-Karavasta […]


The challenges of citizen initiatives towards environmental causes. Concerns brought about by experience and efforts to date

Environmental causes in Albania have a short history compared to other European countries for reasons closely related to political and socio-economic factors. However, the progress made in raising these causes, especially by civil society organizations, is to be appreciated. The environment is often not included in financial policies and is considered as something without a […]