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New initiatives for energy efficiency in Tirana

Roundtable discussion with representatives from Tirana Municipality, Municipal Council and experts. A meeting with representatives of Tirana Municipality, Municipal Council and experts on energy efficiency in Tirana was held on December 1st, 2017. The participants were introduced to some of the data from the study conducted by EcoAlbania and EDEN Center on “energy poverty” and […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release Stop urbanization of Divjaka-Karavasta NP

The second Public Forum against the urbanization of the Divjakë-Karavasta National Park

Press release from the Coalition of environmental organizations in defense of PK Divjakë-Karavasta ++ Mega Resorts – Mega Problems! Experts raise the alarm: We are losing National Parks!++ Tirana, November 21, 2017.The second public forum was held on the negative impacts of the “Mabetex Grup” urbanization project in the Divjakë-Karavasta National Park. In the second […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release Stop urbanization of Divjaka-Karavasta NP

The Mabetex project – A silent threat to the Divjakë-Karavasta National Park

++Civil society demands the prevention of the destruction of the Divjakë-Karavasta National Park by the urbanization project aimed at mass tourism ++ Tirana, November 9, 2017. In a forum dedicated to discussing the negative environmental impacts of Mabetex Group’s urbanization investment in the Divjakë-Karavasta National Park, the Coalition of Civil Society in Defense of the […]


Energy Talk with experts and youth in Tirana

Tirana, September 28th, 2017. During a meeting organized by EcoAlbania in Tirana, Mr. Gjergji Simaku, Head of Renewables and Energy Efficiency Policy at the Ministry of Energy and Industry, Mr. Erjon Tase, Executive Director of the Academy of Political Studies, EcoAlbania and EDEN Centre staff members introduced the problematic and ongoing work regarding efficient use of […]


Don’t touch my Vjosa – Awareness concert

Don’t touch my Vjosa! The Wild Jewel of Europe. Awareness concert for the protection of the river Vjosa   Elina Duni | Eda ZariGent Rushi|Rob Luft| Vlashent Sata Marsela Çibukaj|Linda Rukaj|Charles Lamouroux|Ermal Rodi| Florian Garcin|Emiljan Dhimo| Lunzheria Polyphonic Group|Bênca Group| Blerat & Besfort Këpuska| Dj. ODA The artists return again, starting after a year from […]