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Future policy makers discuss energy efficiency issues

EcoAlbania has started a series of meetings on “Policies for energy efficiency and performance in Albania” with members of the youth forums of the main parties in the country. On 22.06.2018 in a meeting organized by EcoAlbania in Tirana with the participation of the youth of the Eurosocialist Youth Forum of Albania (FRESSH), representatives of […]

CategoriesActivities Encouraging green entrepreneurship among high school students Press Release

“How do you imagine your city in the future?” – the ideas of vocational secondary school students on “Smart cities”

Tirana, May 28, 2018. Vocational high school students presented today to the citizens of Tirana, their ideas on the cities of the future. Through the exhibition of two miniature models of “Smart Cities”, the students of the technical-electrical school “Gjergj Canco”, Tirana, and of the vocational high school “26 Marsi”, Kavajë, showed their vision for […]

CategoriesActivities Encouraging green entrepreneurship among high school students

“Rescue food” fair – Future chefs offer alternatives for responsible consumption

Durrës, May 25, 2018. A special food fair was organized by the students of the “Hysen Çela” Technological High School, Durrës, with the aim of raising awareness about responsible consumption. The “Rescue food” fair turned into a special celebration that also marked the end of the “Encouraging entrepreneurship among high school youth” project with the […]


Young people are informed about innovations in solar and photovoltaic panels

EcoAlbania continues the implementation of the “Together – an eye for the environment” project. Already in its second phase, this project includes an education campaign with young people of various ages, fields of interest and professions on the topics of energy efficiency, energy saving, thermal insulation of buildings, as well as relevant legislation. The students […]