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CategoriesActivities Press Release

A new scientific methodology for the monetary valuation of environmental crime is proposed by experts and civil society

Tirana, 4 February 2020. EcoAlbania’s latest initiative to develop a methodology for the property assessment of environmental crime in protected areas in Albania was presented in Tirana. The report gives the current situation of monetary valuation of illegal log­ging considering a case study in Mali me Gropa – Bizë – Martanesh Protected Area. This case study can […]

CategoriesActivities Give voice to river protection

Residents of Zall-Gjoçaj have decided to continue their protest against hydropower

EcoAlban supports communities affected by HPPs in Mat Kamza, 23 January 2020. Residents from the village of Zall-Gjoçaj (Mat) and representatives of EcoAlbania have gathered in Kamza to discuss the issue of hydropower plants in the Mat area and how to oppose these projects. Through their experience with the campaign for the protection of the Vjosa Valley, […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release Youth Collaboration for Transboundary Dinaric Alps

Call for Application: Training for Cross-border Dialogue – Youth Collaboration for Transboundary Dinaric Alps

Background  This project aims at creating cooperation bridges among the youngsters of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro. EcoAlbania in partnership with ERA NGO from Kosovo and Green Home from Montenegro, in order to reach this goal, will develop a range of activities with youngsters between 18 and 24 years old. 15 participants will attend some trainings […]

CategoriesActivities MECA-Media and Environmental Cases in Albania

Report presented: Media and Environmental Cases in Albania

Tirana, 27 September 2019. EcoAlbania organized the conference “Media and Environmental Cases in Albania” where the report with the same title was presented for the participants. Environmental CSOs, journalists, media and activists were introduced to the analysis of 5 important environmental issues, focusing on the media’s contribution to their reporting and resolution. The cases analyzed in the report […]