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CategoriesActivities Press Release

EcoAlbania is looking to hire a ‘Project Coordinator’ – Tirana

The Center for the Protection of Natural Ecosystems in Albania (EcoAlbania) is a non-governmental environmental organization. EcoAlbania works to strengthen the friendly coexistence between man and nature in Albania and its main goals are: the protection of natural ecosystems and ecological interactions through the protection of wild animals and their habitats with the belief that […]

CategoriesActivities Conservation actions for the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) in Vlora Bay

Monitoring season of Albanian Water Frog in Vlora Bay has been started

EcoAlbania has started the field work on the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) species’ distribution, ecology and its population status in Vlora Bay. During this phase there are being collected data about the species and its habitats, that will serve as basis for drafting the Species Action Plan – a policy paper for the conservation […]


Saving the Blue Heart of Europe an inspiring experience

++The internship experience of Eledia Bundo at EcoAlbania++ Environmental conservation can be a relentless struggle against corporations that see nothing wrong with diminishing the natural environment in the pursuit of profit. With that, Albania’s natural beauty has come under fire, predominantly from companies that want to stump the flow of its beautiful rivers and untamed […]


The Patagonia ‘Blue Heart movie’ now online

If you haven’t seen yet the ‘Blue Heart movie’, you can now find it online on youtube translated on 11 languages. In this film you’ll learn more about the battle for the Vjosa river, the effort to save the endangered Balkan lynx and the protest of the women of Kruščica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to protect […]

CategoriesActivities MECA-Media and Environmental Cases in Albania

EcoAlbania organizes a series of workshops with journalists and environmental NGO-s in 5 regions of the country

++ Reporting the environmental issues by the local and national media was the main thematic of the workshops++ A series of workshops are organized by EcoAlbania in 5 regions of the country with a focus on environmental issues reporting in national and local media. During the meetings organized in the period March – June 2019, […]

CategoriesActivities Conservation actions for the Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus) in Vlora Bay

EcoAlbania launched the new project: Conservation actions for the Albanian Water Frog in Vlora Bay

Vlora, May 24, 2019. EcoAlbania launched the project “Conservation actions for the Albanian Water Frog (Pelophylax Shqipericus) in Vlora Bay”, supported by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, which aims to create an action plan and concrete measures for the conservation of this endangered species. At the kick off meeting in Vlora, with the participation of RAPA Vlora and […]