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CategoriesActivities ESPID4Vjosa

The first round of workshops with the stakeholders for the issues in Vjosa river basin

As progress of work of the ESPID4Vjosa project team was conducted the first round of workshops with representatives of the local government, civil society organizations and the local community of the Vjosa river basin. The first round of workshops was conducted in Tepelenë, Vlorë, Përmet and Gjirokastër by the project team in cooperation with international […]

CategoriesActivities ESPID4Vjosa

Study Tour in three National Parks in Austria: Gesäuse, Kalkapen and Thayatal

In October 2022 a study visit took place in the National Park of Gesäuse, Kalkalpen, and Thayatal, in Austria. Part of the study visit were representatives of the local government, regional and national institutions directly related to the planning and management of the territory and water resources in Albania as well as national and international […]

CategoriesActivities ESPID4Vjosa

Second science week in Vjosa: Assesment of hidrology, geomorfology and biodiversity

On September 19-26, 2022 was conducted the Second Science Week in the Vjosa basin. This was an interdisciplinary and collaborative research week with representatives of all teams from the VjoSusDev project and the ESPID4Vjosa project team. A total of 46 people, who were part of the ESPID4Vjosa team, experts and students from partner universities (Austria […]

During the meeting with stakeholders about the presentation of ESPID4Vjosa project. (c) B. Guri/EcoAlbania CategoriesActivities ESPID4Vjosa

Kick off meeting of ESPID4Vjosa project with the Vjosa river basin stakeholders

On July 18, 2022, the Kick-Off meeting of the ESPID4Vjosa project was organized in order to bring together representatives of the central and local government, civil society organizations from Vlora, Gjirokastra and the Fier Region as well as academics to present more details of the progress of the project. Furthermore, the meeting aimed to present […]

CategoriesActivities ESPID4Vjosa

The First Vjosa Science Week

The First Scientific Week of Vjosa was conducted on May 9-14 of 2022 and 40 experts and students participated in the frame of ESPID4Vjosa project. The experts were target stakeholders identified from ESPID4Vjosa Project such as: Research institutions (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Agricultural University of Tirana, University of Gjirokastra ‘Eqrem Çabej’). The experts were part […]