Exploring ‘Electrical Charge Permeability in Water’ in Shkodër: Environmental Education Initiative with Students from Dëshmorët e Rrencit School

On January 24, 2024, twelve students from the ‘Dëshmorët e Rrencit’ secondary school participated in an enlightening environmental education session in Shkodër. Delving into discussions on pollution, they also conducted practical experiments to delve into water’s electrical charge permeability. With Shkodër’s stunning scenery as the setting, the session aimed to teach the young participants a strong sense of responsibility toward our planet.

Going beyond mere theoretical discourse, this educational initiative provided hands-on experiences, nurturing a sense of environmental stewardship. Students gained insights into the impacts of human activities on the environment, with a special emphasis on the significance of conserving Shkodër’s picturesque lake.

Driven by curiosity, the students actively engaged in practical experiments, delving deeper into their understanding of environmental processes. One notable experiment involved investigating ‘Electrical Charge Permeability in Water,’ utilizing basic materials such as batteries, bulbs, and saltwater. Through these immersive activities, they acquired valuable insights into the complexities of environmental dynamics.