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Vjosa is the valley that unites people

The Vjosa River is one of the last natural rivers in Europe. Throughout its course of more than 270 kilometers, the river is untouched and free-flowing, with a variety of hydro-morphological features. Together with its tributaries, Vjosa constitutes a dynamic almost natural ecosystem, rare for Europe. The Vjosa Valley lies in the south of Albania […]


Study: Identification of water related conflicts linked to hydro power projects in Albania

This assessment has been prepared under the EU funded project “Horizontal Enforcement Legislation Promotion of Civil Society Organizations (HELP-CSO), through ACHIEVE Programme, managed by Regional Environmental Centre and implemented by Milieukontakt Albania, Eco Albania and LexFerenda. The overall objective of the Project is to help environmental civil society organizations for a better implementation and monitoring of […]


Facts and data about Pocem HPP

The “Pocem” project consists in the construction of a dam about 50 meters high, which will not only directly affect one of the most valuable sections of Vjosa due to flooding, but will also bring serious problems to the flow below the dam. . The legal procedures are currently ongoing, however, it is worth noting […]