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CategoriesISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz. News

Insights into the Konitsa Study Visit – “Fostering a Unified Approach to Conservation Connectivity”

In a significant step toward strengthening cross-border collaboration in ecological conservation, stakeholders from Albania and Greece convened in Konitsa, Greece, for a two-day study visit at the end of December 2024 – part of the project “Improve Sustainability of South-Eastern Connectivity Conservation Areas in Albania,” centered on the ecological corridor spanning Polis-Valamarë-Rungajë-Moravë-Gramoz. Participants included representatives […]

CategoriesISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz. News

Cleaning action in the Osum Canyons

Canyons of Osum, Berat, 16.05.2024. Within the framework of the ISCCA project, 19 students of the “Zylyftar Veleshnja” school, together with guests from RAPA Berat, became part of the educational activity in the Osum Canyons. They learned about the “ecological corridor” concept, its importance for our country and beyond and the ways they can contribute […]

CategoriesISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz. News

A thrilling trip in Ujëvara of Sotira

Sotira Waterfall, Gramsh, April 16, 2024. A visit at Sotira Waterfall with pupils of secondary school “Shefqet Guzi”, Gramsh, served as a day dedicated to environmental education, and awareness raising on the ecological corridors importance. The field visit was organized in cooperation with RAPA Elbasan, and Gramsh municipality, which was welcomed enthusiastically by the youth […]

CategoriesISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz. News

Final workshop for the consultation on the Action Plan for the ecological corridor “Polis-Valamarë-Rungajë-Moravë-Gramoz”

Elbasan, 18.04.2024. The round of workshops with local actors, for the consultation of the Action Plan of the ecological corridor “Polis-Valamarë-Rungajë-Moravë-Gramoz”, is concluded. The last meeting was held in Elbasan, with the participation of the representatives from municipalities (Librazhd, Gramsh, Prrenjas, Maliq, Pogradec, Skrapar) as well as representatives of prefectures (Elbasan, Korçë, Berat), Administrations of […]

CategoriesISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz. News

Celebrating World Environmental Education Day: Exploring the Snowy Splendor of Shebenik-Jabllanicë National Park

Dorëz, Librazhd, January 26, 2024. Students from the “Shefqet Dosku” school collaborated with EcoAlbania and RAPA Elbasan staff to participate in the reforestation efforts of the “Shebenik-Jabllanicë” National Park. As part of the “World Day of Environmental Education,” they worked together to plant fir seedlings in the park and further engaged in an exploration of […]

CategoriesISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz. News

Skrapar: The round of workshops for the action plan on the ecological corridor was concluded

The round of the first consultation was concluded with the final workshop that took place in Çorovoda town – Skrapar Municipality on January 19th, 2024.  In the workshop attended 10 representatives of the key stakeholders of the Berati-Skrapari areas, including the representatives of the Municipalities, Prefecture of Berati, RAPA Berat, NGOs and private sector that […]