The Educational Activity for the Environmental Protection in “Mehmet Qyprilli” school

Roshnik, Berat, March 20th, 2024. Through a special educational class, the children of the “Mehmet Qyprilli” 9th grade school in Roshnik, had the opportunity to learn new and valuable information on the importance of environmental protection. Discussions were focused on everyone’s actions and their influence on environmental pollution and degradation. Moreover, the students were motivated to reflect on the influence of their actions on the environment. In this discovery trip, the practical experiment was a crucial part of our activity.

During the practical activity, a balloon was used to illustrate the action and counteraction concept on the environment. All the students were actively engaged in this experiment surveying the ballon movement along the thread. This practical experience became an effective tool to understand how our actions, even the smallest ones, can have big impacts on our environment. Through this experiment, awareness about the importance of responsible action was encouraged to take care of the environment in which we live.

Throughout the activity, reinforced efforts were made to create a culture of care and respect towards the environment. Through this educational experience, students were encouraged to take concrete measures to protect the environment and reduce the negative impact of their actions. This activity was marked as an important step in the direction of raising students’ awareness to be agents of change in the preservation and promotion of a sustainable environment for the future.