Preliminary meetings with stakeholders to present the ESPID4Vjosa project

During December 2021 – April 2022, the ESPID4Vjosa project team held 13 preliminary meetings with the project stakeholders to present the objectives and the work plan aiming to increase synergy and cooperation so the implementation of the project would be more effective.

The initial phase of project implementation has been mainly based on the collection and evaluation of the stakeholders’ feedback on the project topics and actions. During the phase, the project team organized roundtables and individual meetings with central decision-makers, municipalities, institutions (AMBU, AKZM, ADZM and AKM), the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, the University of Tirana and CSOs to present the project and discuss on their needs for issues connected to the Vjosa river basin management plan.

The main issues that were identified during the 1st phase are: the disposal of waste and the discharge of sewage into the water and companies that take alluvium in large quantities from the river bed. While the engagement of Local Government Units still remains primary in the initial process to strengthen the administrative management of the Vjosa River.

Stakeholders expressed their willingness to cooperate in strengthening Vjosa River basin management efforts.

Finally, the process was finalized with the preparation of an inception report, based on the re-assessment of the current circumstances and ongoing programs and projects related to the management of the Vjosa basin as well as based on an intensive consultation and meetings with all relevant actors.