Environmental Awareness at the “Giuseppe Grass” Educational Institution

Gjirokastër, October 18, 2023. In the historic city of Gjirokastër, an educational session on environmental education took place at the “Giuseppe Grass” institution, attended by students from grades 7 to 9. The children became part of the discussions on the role of everyone in the protection of nature. This engaging environmental session was interwoven between theoretical concepts and practical experiments.

One noteworthy activity involved a creative game demonstrating soil filtration. Participants repurposed plastic bottles, transforming them into filtration systems. After cutting the plastic bottles, they turned them into funnel shapes and filled them with stones, then immersed them in water mixed with oil. This practical experiment served as an illustration of how the soil, acting as a filter, can be polluted after effectively purifying the contaminated water.

The interactive learning experience did not stop there. Another captivating game delved into the consequences of improper waste disposal. Through taking on different roles, participants immersed themselves in the consequences of irresponsible littering. This stimulating activity aimed to raise awareness of the harmful impact of waste on our environment.

In summary, the hour of environmental education at “Xhuzepe Grass” transcended traditional teaching methods. By incorporating practical demonstrations and insightful games, the session successfully conveyed the significance of actively participating in the protection of our environment. It was more than just education; it was a hands-on journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Environmental education is a mission that starts from an early age and has an impact on all generations, hoping that children will be aware to take small steps in their education and will convey valuable messages to the adults around them.

Teachers or school leaders who wish to develop environmental education classes in their school can become part of the education project by contacting the project coordinator Marina Xhaho at the e-mail address: [email protected].

The project ” Watershed Environmental Education in Albania” aims to enhance environmental awareness through education of youngsters through activities in at least 35 schools in the country.