Learning about wildfile’s home at the “Time Center” in Tirana

Tirana, October 10th. The vibrant energy of the children from the “Time Center” educational institution in Tirana illuminated the day with engaging and educational activities. This gathering not only showcased the children’s impressive knowledge but, through presentations and outdoor games, also underscored their awareness of the importance of environmental conservation.

The day commenced with a captivating presentation on habitats, where children personified their living spaces and drew parallels between how they dwell in their homes and how living things have their own homes. This imaginative exercise served as a poignant reminder of the critical need to preserve these habitats for the well-being of all living beings.

Beyond the informative session, the children enjoyed a diverse array of outdoor games meticulously designed to nurture creativity and environmental consciousness. A standout activity involved crafting an outdoor “environmental pizza.” Instead of traditional ingredients, the children used as toppings of the “pizza”, items found in the surrounding environment, reinforcing the message of responsible waste disposal and fostering creativity.

Injecting an artistic element into the day, face painting became a delightful part of the activity. Children expressed their desires to adorn their faces with designs inspired by nature and wildlife, further solidifying the connection between art and environmental awareness.

Environmental education is a mission that starts from an early age and has an impact on all generations, hoping that children will be aware to take small steps in their education and will convey valuable messages to the adults around them.

Teachers or school leaders who wish to develop environmental education classes in their school can become part of the education project by contacting the project coordinator Marina Xhaho at the e-mail address: [email protected].

The project ” Watershed Environmental Education in Albania” aims to enhance environmental awareness through education of youngsters through activities in at least 35 schools in the country.