Celebrating Earth Day with Environmental Education at “Fenix” School, Tirana

On April 20th, 2024, in honor of Earth Day, a special environmental education activity was conducted with the sixth and seventh-grade students of “Fenix” School in Tirana. This engaging session focused on raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging proactive measures to protect our planet.

During this unique session, students explored the main factors contributing to environmental pollution. They examined various charts and photos, sharing their insights on how we can preserve and protect the environment we live in. The discussion emphasized that even small actions can have a significant impact, either positively or negatively, on our surroundings.

In addition to the theoretical discussions, students participated in a practical activity that underscored the importance of environmental stewardship. They planted various seeds in plastic cups and biodegradable pots, learning about the necessary conditions for germination and growth. This hands-on experience aimed to activate the students’ interest in environmental care, demonstrating that small actions can make a big difference.

The collaborative nature of the session encouraged students to work together, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility for the environment. By actively participating in these activities, they gained a deeper understanding of the importance of environmental conservation and how they can contribute to it.

The Earth Day activity at “Fenix” School was a successful blend of education and practical experience, leaving students with valuable knowledge and a sense of empowerment. They learned that protecting the environment starts with simple, everyday actions and that their efforts, no matter how small, are crucial for a sustainable future.