Environmental Education at Nikoliq School, Has: A Theoretical and Practical Experience

Nikoliq, Has, 10.04.2024. The environmental education at the 9-year school in Nikoliq was a theoretical and practical adventure where children explored ways to care for the environment and animal habitats. This educational program offered unique opportunities for students to learn and apply their knowledge through interactive activities and various experiments.

One of the most notable activities was the creation of rainbows using a mirror, sunlight, and water. This simple but enchanting experiment helped students understand natural phenomena and appreciate them more.

To emphasize the importance of reducing plastic, students created mini-eco-rockets using simple materials like a paper cup and a balloon. This practical activity encouraged them to think creatively about ways to reuse everyday materials and make more sustainable choices for the environment.

A special thanks goes to the staff of the 9-year school in Nikoliq, Has, for their support and commitment in organizing these educational and fun activities.