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CategoriesActivities ISCCA - Sustainable management of ecological corridors in the area of Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz.

Engagement Tour: Fostering Collaboration and Project Presentation Across Six Municipalities

A journey of collaboration began with a series of meetings across the six municipalities located within ‘Polis-Valamare-Rungaje-Moravë-Gramoz’” Ecological Corridor. This tour marked the initial phase of the effort to enhance the area’s ecological connectivity while identifying and engaging its relevant communities and stakeholders. The primary goal of this tour was to identify key partners who […]

CategoriesNGOs for Biodiversity Conservation Activities

Second court session of Managed Natural reserves/Natural parks (category IV)

The second court session was convened regarding the Decision of the Council of Ministers (DCM) no. 60, dated 26.1.2022, “On the Proclamation of Natural Ecosystems, Natural Reserves/Managed Natural Parks (Category IV),” in the Administrative Court of Appeal. Eleven Albanian Environmental Civil Society Organizations had taken legal action against public authorities to challenge the annulment of […]

CategoriesNGOs for Biodiversity Conservation Activities

Challenges to Environmental Conservation in Albania: Legal Battle Begins

The Administrative Court of Appeal in Tirana convened for its initial hearing on the matter of Council of Ministers’ Decision (DCM) no. 60, dated 26th January 2022, titled “On the Proclamation of Natural Ecosystems, Natural Reserves/Managed Natural Parks (Category IV)”. This hearing was prompted by a lawsuit filed by 11 Albanian environmental civil society organizations, […]

CategoriesNGOs for Biodiversity Conservation Activities

A Historic Moment for Environmental Conservation in Albania: 51 CSOs and Academic Institutions Unite for Protected Areas

In a historic development that holds immense significance for the future of Protected Areas (PAs) in Albania, a coalition of 51 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) – both national and international – and academic-research institutions specializing in natural sciences, have come together in a united front. This alliance represents an unwavering commitment to influence political and […]

CategoriesActivities ENGONA – Environmental NGO Network in Albania

Video: The challenges of local civil society organizations

The challenges of local civil society organizations, which are committed to environmental issues in Albania, are many and their own networking is faced with these challenges and takes time to achieve. Some of the difficulties that organizations face are: lack of organizational capacity, weak connections, limited budgets or limited skills in public relations. Networking enables […]