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CategoriesActivities Initiatives

The meeting of Friends of Vjosa

Vjosa’s friends gathered again this month to discuss the issue of HPP construction on the last wild river in Europe. At each meeting, new friends join who commit to support the initiative for the protection of the Vjosa River. This meeting was joined by well-known figures from the artistic, political, media life, etc. as well […]

CategoriesActivities In Media

Borders divide us, rivers unite us

By Beogradi, Vera Bekteshi The news of the last few days regarding the ban on the construction of HPPs on the Radika River, within the Mavrova National Park, is a good sign that the efforts of environmentalists to protect rivers from dams are being supported by the most important European Institutions. More specifically: on 1.11.2015, […]

CategoriesActivities Initiatives

Mountain trout, the pride of Valbona

The Alps of Albania and their generous inhabitants welcomed us this summer in Valbona. The EcoAlbania team joined the Balkans Peace Parks (B3P) project to develop educational activities with the children of the Valbona valley. We would go to Valbona precisely to continue the initiative to protect the mountain trout as one of the most […]