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Sustainable development of the Vjosa Valley “gathers” in a meeting Friends of the Vjosa

Following the meetings of Friends of Vjosa, representatives of institutions, journalists, and environmentalists gathered on October 15, 2020 in Tirana to discuss the progress, related to the construction of hydropower plants on the Vjosa River. This meeting followed the decision of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment to refuse the environmental permit, which would allow […]

CategoriesActivities Give voice to river protection

The battle against hydropower plants united communities across Albania

++ Concerned about their future residents seek support from organizations and lawyers ++ Tirana, September 29, 2020. Under the slogan “Give Voice to River Protection” EcoAlbania organized a conference in Tirana with participation of local communities affected by hydropower projects, lawyers and activists, in order to share their concerns about these projects and to be advised […]

CategoriesActivities Press Release

Alliance against Kalivaç dam on the Vjosa is growing

++ Vjosa Research Centre in Tepelena inaugurated ++ Scientists refute Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on Kalivaç hydropower plant ++ Albanian President speaks out in favour of Vjosa National Park ++ IUCN promises support ++ Tirana/Tepelena, Albania. September 25th, 2020. Today, the President of Albania, Ilir Meta, together with representatives of the Universities of Tirana and Vienna  […]

CategoriesActivities Youth Collaboration for Transboundary Dinaric Alps

Cross-Border Summer School: The youth of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro unite for the development of the Alps region

07 – 11 September 2020. 45 young people from Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro became part of the summer school “Youth Cooperation for the Cross-Border Dinaric Alps. EcoAlbania in cooperation with partners ERA in Kosovo and Green Home in Montenegro developed the summer school in the region of the Cross-Border Dinaric Alps. For a period of […]


The hydropower plant in Madhesh village in Mat was planned without residents’s approval

++Social isolation from COVID-19 did not stop the construction company to continue with environmental permit procedures++ Madhesh, July 30, 2020. Plans for the construction of a hydropower plant in the Lunre river – a tributary to the Mat River, gathered residents of Madhesh village to discuss about options to stop this project, which affects their daily […]