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CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Exploring with Environmental Education: A Unique Hour of Education in the Dibra District.

February 8th, 2024, Majtarë. Amidst the tranquil nature of Dibra, pupils from the Majtara school embarked on a distinctive hour of environmental education. Engaging discussions delved into the significance of Air, Water, and Soil, emphasizing their critical roles in human health and the ecological equilibrium of our planet. From the contamination of water sources by […]

CategoriesNews Environmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania

Educational Environment and Renewable Energy: An Example from Maqellara

Maqellara, February 7th, 2024. At the 9-year school in Maqellara, students participated in an environmental education hour about pollution and human impact on the environment. This activity provided a valuable opportunity to reflect on the importance of environmental protection and to identify innovative solutions to environmental challenges. A special moment during the environmental education hour […]

CategoriesNews Environmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania

Traces of Science in Nature: Biodiversity and Noise Pollution

Dukat, January 31st, 2024. Pupils in the sixth grade at “Hasan Mëhilli” School in Dukat embarked on a journey of discovery aimed at understanding and tackling environmental challenges, with a specific focus on noise pollution and biodiversity monitoring. Noise pollution, often underestimated yet profoundly affecting the environment, took center stage during their environmental studies After familiarizing […]

CategoriesNews Environmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania

Engaging Environmental Education Session Empowers Students from “Xhevdet Doda” School in Bulqiza

Bulqizë, February 6th, 2023. A group of 32 students from “Xhevdet Doda” school embarked on a helpful environmental education session in Bulqiza. Located in the northeastern region of Albania, Bulqiza is renowned for its chromite reserves and mining industry, making it a pertinent location for both theoretical and practical discussions on environmental education. These discussions […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Celebrating World Wetlands Day: Constructing a “Mini-Wetland” with Students from “Emin Duraku” School

In the frame of World Wetlands Day on February 2nd, 2024, twenty students from “Emin Duraku” school in Tirana participated in an educational environmental activity aimed at expanding their knowledge of wetlands and deepening their understanding of their significance by constructing a miniature wetland. The activity commenced with a discussion on wetland formation, delving into […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Fostering Environmental Consciousness: Students from Dëshmorët e Prishtinës in School, Shkodër, Empowered as Environmental Advocates

On January 31, 2024, ten students from “Dëshmorët e Prishtinës” School in Shkodër embarked on an enlightening journey to understand the pollutants affecting our air, water, and soil. The focus was on the urgent need to safeguard ecosystems and wildlife, instilling a sense of responsibility for environmental conservation. Through a blend of theoretical insights and […]