Planting and Replacing seedlings with young environmentalists from Shkodra!

Tarabosh, Shkodër, February 22nd, 2024. A group of 36 pupils from “28 Nëntori” high school, “Zogaj” school and Natyralist team committed to planting 150 Black Pine (Pinus nigra) seedlings in the Tarabosh area in Shkodra. This activity served both as a tree planting initiative and as a call to encourage environmental awareness among young people.

Under the guidance of specialists from the Administration of Protected Areas in Shkodra, participants learned the proper techniques for replacing old, unsuccessful saplings, planting new ones, and caring for their growth.

The Tarabosh area is known for its unique biodiversity and richness of forests, but unfortunately, this asset is not receiving the necessary attention. The tree planting activity was not just a symbolic gesture but a concrete step towards restoring an environment suitable for the growth and development of trees.

In addition to seedlings planting, a clean-up action was also carried out, where students and other participants contributed to cleaning up waste near the saplings, preventing environmental pollution and creating a cleaner environment for the growth of new seedlings.