An Environmental Education Activity at ‘Rilindja’ school: Helping the Birds and Education for the Environment

Durrës, March 28th, 2024. In cooperation with the students of the “Rilindja” school in Durrës, a special environmental activity was organized to welcome the arrival of spring and the return of migratory birds. In this activity, a seed feeder was created to help the birds during the nest building period. Through this initiative, students understood the importance of protecting the environment and engaged in activities that promoted good environmental practices, from school to the nature we enjoy during vacations.

In the first phase of the activity, important tips to preserve the environment were shared with children, starting from school to nature. Students were instructed to take steps to protect their environment, including recycling practices and using plastic bottles to be reused in creative ways.

In the second phase, plastic bottles were used to create bird feeders as an awareness act to reduce environmental pollution and lighten the burden of throwing them out into the wild. This initiative included education on the importance of recycling and awareness to take care of our shared environment for the future.