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CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Environmental education in the South of Albania with the pupils from Konispoli School.

On the first day of spring, March 1st, 2024, at the 9-year school of Konispolit, a dedicated session focused on environmental education. The aim of this activity was to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and to share practical methods for protecting nature. As guardians of a magnificent nature where the sea meets […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Integration of Practical Experiments in Teaching: Training Session for FiKiBio in Elbasan

A training session was held, in Elbasan, on February 29th, 2024, for biology teachers from 9-year schools in the Elbasan district. The aim of this session was to introduce teachers to the innovative book FiKiBio and provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to seamlessly incorporate practical experiments into their teaching curriculum. The FiKiBio […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Students from “Thimi Tani” 9-year School in Berat Plant 200 Seedlings in Partizan Mountain

Berat, February 27th, 2024. The picturesque cityscape of Berat nestled beneath the towering presence of Partizan Mountain witnessed a planting initiative: 200 seedlings of Pine were planted by the hands of pupils from the “Thimi Tani” school. This symbolic act of our commitment to the future of the environment turned into their initiative to contribute […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Planting and Replacing seedlings with young environmentalists from Shkodra!

Tarabosh, Shkodër, February 22nd, 2024. A group of 36 pupils from “28 Nëntori” high school, “Zogaj” school and Natyralist team committed to planting 150 Black Pine (Pinus nigra) seedlings in the Tarabosh area in Shkodra. This activity served both as a tree planting initiative and as a call to encourage environmental awareness among young people. […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Planting a Greener Tomorrow along the Banks of the Vjosa River

Vjosë, Selenicë, February 15th, 2024. Pupils from the “Todi Koçeli” school joined our mission dedicated to enhancing our natural surroundings. Armed with determination and shovels, they planted 100 white poplar saplings along the picturesque banks of the Vjosa River. In the presence of these committed environmental champions, the profound impact of each small action on […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Education in 9 grade Schools in Albania News

Pupils at “Kafil Malaj” School in Bishan tackle Noise Pollution for Environmental Protection.

Bishan, Vlorë, February 12th, 2024. In an endeavor to raise awareness and educate students on the crucial importance of environmental preservation and biodiversity, the students of “Kafil Malaj” school in Bishan engaged in an environmental education hour dedicated to the challenges of environmental conservation, with a particular focus on assessing noise pollution levels. During this activity, […]