Second science week in Vjosa: Assesment of hidrology, geomorfology and biodiversity

On September 19-26, 2022 was conducted the Second Science Week in the Vjosa basin. This was an interdisciplinary and collaborative research week with representatives of all teams from the VjoSusDev project and the ESPID4Vjosa project team. A total of 46 people, who were part of the ESPID4Vjosa team, experts and students from partner universities (Austria and Albania) participated in this visit as well as experts from AMBU, ADZM Gjirokaster and ARM Fieri.

The Second Science Week in Vjosa was focused on hydrology, geomorphology, biodiversity (terrestrial vegetation and ecology, algae, meiobenthos, macrozoobenthos, functional processes, microbiology, macrobenthos and groundwater meiofauna). Almost 10 designated river courses were visited where experts took samples. The data and samples are under evaluation by each separate group in their respective institutions and laboratories, in Tirana and Austria.

The two Vjosa Science Weeks carried out in May and September 2022 within the ESPID4Vjosa and VjoSusDev projects will help to expand and deepen our knowledge of the Vjosa River basin in hydrology, geomorphology, biodiversity and water quality providing guidance based on evidence towards integrated management as a basis for its sustainable development.

There are also efforts on our part to create an inclusive and appropriate collaborative environment not only within the various APPEAR research groups and the ESPID4Vjosa team but also with local and central decision makers involving them in our scientific activities and wishing to transfer knowledge to local actors and decision-makers.