Techniques of environmental advocacy

To help civil society organizations that are engaged in the protection of the environment and have shown interest in the networking project, the working group of the ENGONA project (Environmental NGO Network in Albania) has drawn up some infographics of the advocacy techniques. advokimit.

Advocacy for environmental causes is a process that essentially aims to persuade the public or decision makers to act on an issue that affects or endangers the environment. The process foresees the motivation and involvement of communities, activists, as well as citizen representatives in local or central government entities.

Advocacy through a network of organizations it’s effective because it increases the capacities of expertise and also reduces economic costs for awareness campaigns or legal confrontations.

The infographic also mentions international environmental law, its main principles and laws related to environmental law.

Among the main principles of international environmental law are: the principle of sustainable development, the conservation of natural resources, the right to information, public participation, integrated approach, compensation, mutual responsibility and cooperation.

The infographic, which can be accessed by clicking here(only in Albanian), also shows advocacy approaches, its instruments, what a treaty or convention is, and the most common challenges faced on environmental issues. The information can also be accessed in a short graphic video version which can be found by clicking here.