In the framework of the campaign “Saving the blue heart of Europe” as well as in fulfillment of the mission of the “Protecting the rivers” initiative, environmental NGOs have signed a declaration for the protection of the Benca river.
In the Bênça valley, 5 HPPs are planned to be built, 2 of which have started work, endangering natural monuments protected by law such as: Canyons of Nivica, Progonat Waterfall, Erosive Terraces of Bênça, Buza e Bredh Luzat as and the integrity of the entire Vjosa catchment, which is considered one of the unique rivers in the entire continent.
More than economic benefits, these projects have become a source of conflict between the local community and concessionary companies, inciting revolts not only of the surrounding community but of all the residents of the Vjosa valley.
With this statement, we, the Albanian NGOs, strongly oppose the projects in the Bënça valley, as we believe that this valley potentially constitutes the “heart” of a possible National Park that includes the entire Vjosa valley.
To read the Statement please click here (in Albanian)