Exploring with Environmental Education: A Unique Hour of Education in the Dibra District.

February 8th, 2024, Majtarë. Amidst the tranquil nature of Dibra, pupils from the Majtara school embarked on a distinctive hour of environmental education. Engaging discussions delved into the significance of Air, Water, and Soil, emphasizing their critical roles in human health and the ecological equilibrium of our planet.

From the contamination of water sources by waste to the deterioration of air quality due to both natural and human-induced pollutants, the harsh realities of their impacts were candidly addressed. Through hands-on experimentation, a demonstration was conducted using a balloon enclosed within a plastic bottle to illustrate the concept of air pressure. Witnessing firsthand how variations in pressure affect the inflation of a balloon sparked genuine curiosity among the students.

It is anticipated that such immersive learning experiences will instill in these young minds a profound sense of environmental stewardship, hoping that they become catalysts for positive ecological transformation within and beyond their communities.